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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips For Beginners In 2025

Tutorial on google search engine optimization tips. How to improve master seo to boost website organic ranking, learn techniques & seo tools & works.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips For Beginners In 2021

Search engine optimization (SEO) tips for beginners In 2025

Today I will share a tutorial on how to optimise my website, def and the best types of SEO tools. It's not difficult to optimize your website. Many companies optimize their website to please search engines. Many inexperienced SEO experts go this route, but in the end, they don't get the results they were hoping for. After all, the goal isn't the top position but getting the top spot on the first page of Google or the other famous search engines.

It's great to be in the first position on the first page of Google, Yahoo, Yandex or MSN when you're hoping to get rankings from organic traffic, but is it the correct place to be? To optimize your website, you have to do the following:

Plan your content properly.

The first thing you should do is figure out what you're actually trying to do with the rest of your website.

There are essentially really 3 pieces to an optimized website:

If you offer a product or service that internet browsers will be interested in, then you need to list those features and how they are helpful or relevant in order of importance. If you sell fitness equipment and wish to attract shoppers on the web with the content on your website, then listing your fitness equipment features would be the way to go.

When you have the content created, you should be sure that the fonts are readable. Studies have shown that people reading on the screen do not normally read paragraphs or long text lines. Fonts should be readable but not overly large such as Times New Roman or Impact, and the colours should be easy on the eyes. One bonus of not using too many fonts is that it could also cause a page to load too slow, not appeal to your readers.

Now that your content is properly planned out, you need to optimize it for the search engines. Search engine optimization is quite simple, yet many companies completely overlook this fact. Take some time and think of the words that would attract visitors to your website, what they would type into the search engines if they got interested in your product or services. These are keywords, and you want to use these to optimize your website.

Optimizing your website to get top positions in search engine placements is a great way to get traffic and is a great moneymaker. Do your research and figure out what people are searching for on the internet, and you could be the key to getting organic traffic for FREE!

WordPress users can use the Yoast plugin for better SEO. Also, learn the definition of search engine optimization(kya hai) meaning on quora and course from online sites like udemy in Hindi and English. There you will understand how to find free SEO resources, icon, images and logo for your business. You can also hire an SEO company agent with the same jobs profile.

  • Being descriptive, making it as descriptive as possible of your product or service.
  • Being era Specific, making sure the product or service is relevant for the search.
  • Do not overuse keywords, which can lower your website's value in search engines' eyes.

Optimizing your website is an art and a science. You have to be very careful not to overdo it, and you have to make sure to keep an eye on keyword density without overdoing it.

The earlier your website appears on the search engines, the better placed you'll be. Think of a way to add new content regularly, so there's always something new to improve the sites ranking. You can change your website's look and feel and keep the content in the same place.

Guide To Off-Page SEO Factors

Getting a website made is not enough; it has to be promoted. In this age of the internet, it is all too easy to build a website, have it running for a while and then expect it to start attracting traffic. If you do not promote your website, then it will probably not get traffic.

One of the best ways to promote a website is with optimum on-page optimization and solid off-page optimization. In other words, Let's start with the basics.

On-page optimization factors

Content, content and more content!

Your website's content is possibly the most important factor for Google to determine its most relevant website for a particular search. The best way to obtain relevant content for your website is to produce your own ideas, then have someone else write them. You can then publish them on your website as original content. If you have a blog site, then each post requires to be published as a blog post. The exact same rules then apply to the articles on your website, as you cannot re-post an article on your website as original content.

We have seen many newbie webmasters create their website and then post to the main website once or twice, then work all. They expect to get traffic from the search engines, and then nothing happens. Merely getting traffic on the website is not sufficient to make profits. Also, you have to make sure that the traffic you get on your website is targeted. For example, if you get visitors to your website only to go away from it because the content is not relevant to them, this is not targeted traffic. Also, search engines generally give results based on popularity and relevance.

We mentioned earlier that you have to build links for your website. This is a factor that search engines take into consideration to tell how popular a website is. A website with many links tells the search engines that it is popular. Search engines analyze the links pointing to you and use a scale to determine how popular your website is. The popularity is determined by the number of inbound links. Inbound link is a measure of how popular your website is. This is a quality measure and tells the search engines that your website is important and needs a good position in the organic search engine results.

These factors tell the search engine that the website is important and needs a good position in the organic search engine results. Now we are ready to discuss the off-page factors which tell the search engine how popular and relevant your website is. Another way is you can post articles on youtube to drive visitors to your website.

Off-page techniques to drive organic traffic

Understanding the importance of the off-page factors and Taking active steps to improve them is very important for your website ranking success.

The off-page factors are the quality links from other websites to your website, called backlinks, outbound links to other relevant websites or links from .edu, .gov domain to your website or the links in profile pages of websites. 

The other step off-page factors are:

  • Topical relevance of your niche
  • Page Rank of your webpage
  • Local Search Relevancy of your niche
  • Age of your website
  • Keyword usage in title and content
  • High Keyword Density of your webpage
  • Page Title Effective use of targeted keywords
  • Description Tag, Only potential customers, can read the description tag, so make sure they are relevant to your site and optimized with keyword, but don't over-optimize it.
  • Creation of Sitemap
  • Check if Your website is indexed by Google.
  • Check your site for broken links.
  • If you exist, correct them.
  • If possible, submit your sitemap to Google.
  • Watch only for the page rank.

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