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30+ Guidelines For SEO Friendly Web Page Design In 2025

Tips for How to create an seo friendly web page design website and blog. search engine optimization meta tags, title, website templates & companies.

 30+ Guidelines For SEO Friendly Web Page Design In 2021

Tips To Create An Search Engine Optimization Website To Increase Traffic

Some of the important design elements that the website designer considers while and before designing a web page are:

1) The target audience: Is your website for trick-hop shops, online shops, live online shows, multiple catering agencies, hairdressers, aestheticians, florists, construction firms, sports clubs, and suites, retail stores, recruitment services, treatment facilities? Is your website focused on brains or ability?

2) The website's objective: Is your website meant to provide me with sufficient information and knowledge to make an informed decision?

3) The web page title: Would you rather have just a title, which contains your keywords or a title, which contains your keywords?

4) The URL of the website: Does it contain keywords for better SEO or not?

5) The page content: Is it relevant to the title? And does it look natural?

6) The meta tags: Does each page of your website content relevant tags? Are you using them?
7) The anchor text: Do you use keywords in your linking text?

8) Sitemap: Does your website have a sitemap?

9) Contact details: Is there a contact form and/or email address?

10) Payment details: Do you accept credit cards?

11) Kind of business: Do you specialise in any market? Is it web-intensive, or is it a brick-and-mortar business?

12) Location: Are your facilities available to potential clients only in your town or city?

13) Press releases: Do you have a press room or a newsroom? If so, do you convey your business's location and progress to potential clients who are not accustomed to seeing or hearing from you? Do you have a blog that people can read?

14) Customer testimonials: Does your business receive customer testimonials? Do people speak negatively about your business? If so, is it to your benefit to keep these "negative comments" quiet?

15) Unique Selling Point (USP): Is your business unique in its ability to sell? No one sells everything. Be positive, be an Entrepreneur of the future and always tell your clients that you give something unique that others do not.

16) Focussed landing page: Each page of your website has a purpose and will contribute to your landing page's final outcome.

17) Pulled together in stages: The landing page needs to be pulled together as a package. The best results are achieved if the individual pages have been developed first, and then stage two follows.

18) Communicated correctly: Know your client, listen to them and find out what they want. A confused browser leads to much wasted time.

19) Have a strong USP: Be positive, honest and let your potential client know about what makes your business different from others. This special brand's existence and promotion is a great tactic in the land of Two- Minutes.

20) Developed with SEO in mind: Is your website traffic generating and selling? Is your price structure attractive to your competition? Have you made sure that your website looks most like a money-making machine?

21) Not duplicate: Is your website a picture of your company, or will it reflect theManymanfromYour averages?

22) Have a strong USP: Is your business planning to make a mark, or is it pre-empting a major global event?

23) Analyze traffic and navigation: How bad is your organic traffic, how many people are visiting your site for real?

24) Analyze your referral logs and calculate your downtime costs?

25) Develop relationships: Is your website linked to or has it been linked to? linked to bad sites like link farms and banned sites? linked to good sites like reputable business sites and wise internet marketing sites?

26) Update: Is your site regularly updated? Google tends to be suspicious of dynamic content.

27) Set up shop early: "The Mindset" needs to be in place from Day One. We've had a few " Dash under the lenses of late" situations where we've had to start again from scratch.

28) Use WordPress and Blogger: They are user-friendly. WordPress can be cached by Google in Big formats- document files, and so forth. Blogger is indexed Google fast.

29) Track and test: Do you already have the appropriate keywords? Are your top search terms showing up frequently on the SERPs? Is your content fresh and unique? Are you using social bookmarking sites? Which got crawled and indexed faster - Digg or Stumble Upon?

30) Ionising the atmosphere: Is your website spidered regularly? Search engines look for fresh content and find it by following links... Make sure your site has fresh content updated regularly.

31) Make sure you complete the on-page analysis.

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